24 Things I Learned Before Turning 24

I have to start by saying a) how insane it is that I’m turning 24 this week and b) how grateful I am for the wisdom that has reigned down on me over my life so far. Thank you to all the powerful influences, celebrities, my parents, and all the people I’ve met along the way. I wouldn’t be as determined as I am today without you all. I fully believe each and every person comes into your life for a particular purpose, and it’s up to us individually to learn a lesson (positive or negative) from each. With that said, here are 24 things I learned before turning 24:
#1: Alicia Keys once said, “When you know, you know.” I vividly remember exercising on the elliptical one morning whilst listening to the best podcast ever featuring Oprah with special guest Alicia Keys. Alicia Keys is an inspiration in all senses, but in this moment, she said she used to hear, “When you know, you know” and she said, “I was like, what does that mean?” And she said when she met her husband, she understood fully the meaning of it. I believe this applies not only to love but also life in general.
#2: Taylor Swift has many phenomenal quotes. In fact, everything that comes out of her mouth in monumental. One of her recent quotes from the Reputation Tour is, “Every single day, happiness is a work in progress. Every single day, the concept of love and self love is a work in progress. It’s never just going to come easily.” Genius. I have learned to accept that happiness doesn’t mean constantly being happy, but rather navigating the tough roads and jumping over the rough waves to become stronger.
#3: Only you can make yourself happy is something my dad used to tell me all the time growing up. I never believed it until recently. What he meant is that no one can give you everlasting happiness as that is something you must create for yourself within. Sure, people can make you laugh and smile, but ultimately, it’s up to you to maintain a constant state of happiness for your wellbeing.
#4: Acknowledge and accept your health problems. I used to think I was absolutely insane, since I always felt such a weird feeling that no doctor could ever diagnose. That is until I had a breakdown, and sat down with my nextdoor neighbor who is also a doctor, and spoke to him about what was going on. He quickly diagnosed it as anxiety. I thought, no, anxiety is just worrying, but it surely can’t make me feel like I’m actually dying and incapable of functioning. WRONG. It can, and it does. Come to find out, I had been dealing with anxiety since I was a child, and I just took steps to combat it at 23 years old. Now I know that anxiety is common, and can be treated with proper medication and mental practices.
#5: “Loving is short, forgetting is so long” is a poem by Nirvana which is featured in Taylor Swift’s album, Red. It’s so true.
#6: Timing is key. Yet another short phrase my dad always preached to me. He wasn’t wrong guys. Choosing to speak to someone in the morning is generally better than waiting until after they’ve had a long day. After all, you never know what the day holds and what you might encounter. The same goes for relationships, both friends and romantically. Catching someone’s eye at the right time is vital. While this isn’t always up to you, fate will handle the outcome. Just trust it.
#7: If the shoe doesn’t fit, don’t force it. If someone doesn’t want to befriend you, if a work project isn’t working out, if trip planning is falling through the cracks, don’t force it. What’s meant to be will ultimately come through in all the right ways.
#8: In terms of having an effective workout, put your mind to the muscle and engage. I recently came across a fitness expert who taught me how to properly engage my abs. You won’t believe how simple it is: Press your lower back into the ground and don’t let it come off the ground!
#9: I’ll always have an obsession with the tv series Friends and Gilmore Girls. I could watch these shows any time, any day, and they never get old to me. Here’s a funny story: I saw Friends on tv a lot growing up, but never got into it. I was always like, this show isn’t as good as it’s made out to be. But as an adult living on my own, I find it super relatable and hilarious. Plus, Jennifer Aniston aka Rachel Green is an icon.
#10: I enjoy a wide variety of music. From pop to indie and folk, to rap and country, I like it all! I find myself listening to Post Malone, Taylor Swift (obviously), Kacey Musgraves, and totally enjoying it all!
#11: Taking care of your skin is vital. This is quite obvious, but until recently, I thought washing my skin was sufficient. Now, I lotion my skin more often, use a coconut scrub in the shower, apply a face mask a couple times a week, and use retinol to shrink my pores, and drink plenty of water. My skin thanks me.
#12: I prefer to eat plant-based and be vegan. I could go on about this for an entire blog post about why being plant-based is phenomenal, but it’s what makes me feel good about my body, the environment, and of course, the delicate animals.
#13: Red by Taylor Swift is my favorite album in the world, and I don’t think any album will ever top it, not even her future albums. There’s not a single song on there I dislike. This is less of something I learned and something I think everyone should know and listen to. Seriously. Go listen to it! Now!
#14: I’m an INFJ, which means I’m an introvert, and proud to be one. With that said, I’ve become so much more of a social butterfly in the last year, and it’s working so well for me. I feel comfortable striking up a conversation with the cashier at the grocery store, I smile at people more, and in general, I’m more socially comfortable.
#15: I’m a Gemini which sorta contradicts my INFJ personality, but I am a true gemini. I know my personality is unique and quirky, but I love who I am. I’m still working on myself, and want to be a better version of myself, of course. But, I’m truly much more comfortable in my own skin than I’ve ever been before. I have come to value my double personality, although it's usually pined as a negative. I enjoy being organized, clean, and knowing where I want to go in life, while also living on the edge, going after boys who I know are bad for me, running late all the damn time, and having a super adventerous side that motivates me to do literally anything I want. I've even considered giving up my life here and hiking the PCT like in Wild. I still have that in the back of my mind by the way. I embrace being a hipster, a girl who loves the gym, and a person who will never stop loving aesthetics like blush pink decor, marble countertops, and a delicate flower arrangement. That's who I am.
#16: "Accept and adapt" is apparently something psychologists have been telling patients for a while. How do I know this? I read it in Crazy Rich Asians, a book I'm not too crazy about (no pun intended) and it's still sitting on my bedside table. Regardless, this has nothing to do with the book and everything to do with the phrase. I have been hounding this in my head ever since I read that particular line in the book. (Lesson learned: there's always something to take from every book). Accept the situation and circumstances, and adapt to them in a way that makes you feel as though you can conquer the road ahead of you.
#17: If you’re creating a new chapter, it doesn’t matter if it’s better than the last, so long as you are going in a positive direction. So often, we tend to think of growth as horizontal, but the truth is that growth can happen vertically and in random waves. All that matters if you’re better than you were yesterday. This applies to success at work, your own personality, your confidence, your happiness, and so much more. I don’t say this to brag, but I can honestly say I am more proud of where I am this year compared to last year, and that’s all that matters to me. My growth is different from anyone else’s, and your growth is on a different scale than anyone else’s, but so long as you are proud of yourself, you’re doing things right.
#18: Don’t hesitate to take time for yourself. In order to achieve genuine inner happiness, confidence and growth, spend alone time bettering yourself. My favorite ways to spend time alone include relaxing on the beach, reading, exercising, creating a graphic design edit in Photoshop, cooking, and having the occasional self-care night. We all need alone time in order to reconnect with our inner self.
#19: If he likes you, you’ll know it. If he doesn’t, you’ll know it. While circumstances can be much more complicated than what is shown on the surface, the basis of this statement is true. You know deep down in your gut (or maybe you know on the surface) if someone truly likes you. Another great piece of advice is that if someone wants you, they’ll make the effort and prove to you that they like you. I have to remind myself of this all the time, but it’s so true. Don’t chase after a moving train that only comes on it’s schedule and terms. You’re so much better than that.
#20: Words mean very little when you’re too late. This is a phenomenal lyric in Taylor Swift’s song, Treacherous. Again, panning back to my dad’s advice, timing is everything. If you have something to say, say it now. In the words of Taylor, if you so clearly know how you feel, you should speak now, After all, it’s better to know than to sit back wondering or kicking yourself for not trying at all.
#21: Healthy fat is your friend, not enemy. There was once an evil post on social media that said “fat is fat!” Not true, my friends. Just like anything else, take it in moderation, but healthy fats such as avocados, nuts, and seeds are wonderful. Lately, I’ve been cutting back severely on carbs and having a healthy balance of fat, protein, and veggies. It’s been working well for me, knock on wood. I firmly believe in keeping your body on its toes. Much like we all know that if you do the same exercise routine day after day, your body acclimates and your progression levels out, I personally believe the same to be true of a diet. Try incorporating more fats for a month, more protein for a month, mix up your veggies, etc. and find what works for you.
#21: You know those ‘extra help’ sessions led by teacher assistants in college? TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THEM. They’re all really cool upperclassmen who will take time to help you understand the material, help you with homework, and no doubt, you’ll make friends there because everyone is much less tense here than they are in lecture halls.
#22: Find a routine that works for you, and forget about what everyone else is doing. For me, my tried and true routine that I genuinely enjoy looks like this: I wake up at 6am to workout, get ready for work, either go to the beach after work, clean the apartment, or run errands, cook dinner, watch tv or Netflix, read, work on some graphic design, and call it a night. Finds what motivates you and do just that. It’s your life. You have all the tools you need to make your life all you want it to be.
#23: Communication is vital. When it comes to work, relationships, and simply navigating down the overcrowded isle at the grocery store (hi, Amazon Prime Now), communicating is vital. If you don’t know the answer to a question, ask! I’ve learned it so much better to clarify and seemingly over-communicate than to wonder if you’ve messed up or if someone is upset with you. We all have the wonderful ability to speak, and we should all take full advantage of it.
#24: Have low expectations but keep your standards high. This is a phrase I have recently coined myself, and I have to boast here by saying it could be some of the greatest advice. Unfortunately, people can be unreliable and tend to let you down on the regular. What I’ve learned to do is set my expectations low for people, but have high standards in terms of knowing I deserve greatness and won’t settle for less. Having low expectations does not mean settling for less than you deserve or allowing someone to walk over you. It simply means that if someone turns out to be exceptional, you’ll be pleasantly surprised rather than gutted to see they don’t live up to your expectations.
I hope these 24 things helped you gain some direction that you maybe didn’t know you needed. What are the most valuable life lessons you’ve learned so far?