I kinda just wanted to have a little catch up today, talk a bit about what’s new, and what’s been happening recently in my life. I don't usually write often, but before yesterday I hadn't written since December, and I want to start making these post a weekly thing. But before I pick up in the middle of nowhere and confuse you, I want to update you on what's been going on. I’m actually in the finance office as this post goes live – a surprise since the recent direction I've been heading in my life is, well, a completely new path. I've landed a finance internship last minute working for the government and it pays pretty well. I've never had a 'proper' job before, i.e. one that usually requires a college degree, so it's exciting to see how 'the real world' works! (a term used by professors that I ever so hate) Anyway, let’s get to what’s been going on over the past while...

Firstly, by "new path," I mean I've found a true passion for interior design and I'm super interested in pursuing a career in it. Even further, I've decided I want to move from a tiny town in South Carolina to San Francisco, California. To a lot of people this isn’t a big deal, but to me it totally is. I feel like on the surface most people say they want to be a nurse, for example, and stick with it throughout their entire career. But if you look deeper, I seriously doubt they choose that career from the time they started applying colleges. Of course, they may be in the same general field, but I bet they narrowed their study from biology to molecular biology or even changed their field of study entirely, like me! I really really dislike sitting at a desk all day on a computer…always have, always will, hence probably the reason why I chose the art route because even though interior design involves some sitting, drawing, and planning, it's highly involved in finding the right items for clients and moving every little thing around until you get it exactly perfect! It involves a lot of getting up and moving around, which I love! It took me three years of studying core classes in college (none of which led me to explore design), to realize I have a strong inclination for being a designer. Like I said, it wasn't college that opened my mind. It was a mixture of places and people. I'll talk here about Joanna Gaines because she is one of the best and most well known designers. She's full of timeless ideas and inspiration, and watching her work is so amazing. Everything she produces is flawless, not to mention how you can see the joy in her eyes from working at something she loves so much. My other sources of inspiration come from, well... places I identify with. Okay so this sounds weird, but when I walk into vintage cafés or beautiful shops or see breathtaking homes in magazine, I feel like "wow this is beautiful. I want to create something this beautiful for future clients and give them a perfect home." (or whatever interior for whatever group of people it may be). I don't think I just have an inclination for design, I think I have a skill for it. Everyone has their talents, and from just arranging books in my room to buying bits and pieces that fit perfectly into my house to working on a new webpage (!!!! personal fav), I personally think I do a pretty good job at making interiors look lush. I love dusty pinks fabrics against dusty pink walls, and chlorine filled blue pool water against faded grey sidewalks, and I want to implement those similar concepts into my designs. Now, with studying finance, I've learned I don't have a passion nor talent for it. Everyone has their gifts, and if you take a fish out of water and expect it to do well, it won't. (A revised version of one of my favorite quotes). I'm anxious about pursuing a career in design because I know it takes a lot of knowledge and you really have to set yourself apart from the rest, but that will never stop me because I'm truly so passionate about this career path that I want nothing less. Just knowing that I can finally fulfill my dreams of being able to do what I love while making other's dreams come true too... YAY.

Design makes me happy. It's so aesthetically pleasing, from having beautiful stationary on my desk (Kate Spade takes the win here) to having elegant, vintage wallpaper from Anthropologie. I love 'working' with design so much. I can hardly imagine getting paid for doing something I enjoy so much. Life is all about taking chances and figuring out what you love and what you're here to do. I want to be happy in my career and I want other people to benefit immensely from my hard work. Since I'll be happy in my work, I'll spread the sunshine to future clients. Okay so now I feel like I'm having an interview! But who knows, an interior designer may be reading this and may want to hire me! Okay, now I'm dreaming too big.

These past few years have basically been a journey of sorting everything out, from my career to my life overall and it’s been great. I don't think any of my time has been wasted. People say you never know what you want until you try it. College has allowed me to explore a wide variety of subjects, and I've finally realized along this journey that none of the subjects thus far are for me. BUT I start my courses in design in the fall and I'm soso happy! Well... it's time for me to go buy the cutest supplies I can and find cute cafés and interiors to snap shots of so I can get some more inspiration! All I need now is that California sun and a job at a top notch design company.

I kinda just wanted to ramble on for a bit about my career path and why I've chosen what I have. I'm extremely satisfied with just having a sense of happiness of knowing what I want to do with my life. I hope you have a great week! Let me know what career you decided/want to pursue and why!
xxx - Rebecca