I don't know about you, but I'm feeling... 23! I swear I'm not just saying this, but it seriously seems like I just turned 22 and that scares me. Honestly, where did an entire year go? Since graduating college, I've become most concerned about how quickly time is passing and how few things I've been able to accomplish since leaving USC. Can I please just sneak into a lecture hall with a pen and notebook and embrace the essence of learning again? It's not until you graduate that the horror memories of finicky professors, grueling exams, and the mad rush of running from class to class across campus fade and you remember only the best moments. While I wish so badly that I could stay in college forever, that's not the reality of it. The pros are that I get to experience traveling, living in a new city, exploring new careers paths, and praying that my dreams are fulfilled during my lifetime. There's so much I want to accomplish, and it's scary that life is speeding by so fast.
I'm feeling bittersweet about turning 23. Don't you just wish you could freeze time in its tracks and be one age forever, or is that just me? While I'm a highly responsible, determinate person, I do wish that aging wasn't really a thing. Because the truth is, one day I'm going to wake up and be 40 and then I'm really going to wish I was only turning 23 again. So that leads me to say that becoming a whole year older is something to embrace in the moment. With that, here's a run down of what I hope to accomplish over the next year, what I'm doing, and what I've done so far.

So far I Have...
Graduated from USC with a 3.8 GPA. I think for me, it's important to remind myself of my accomplishments rather than focus on all the things I have yet to accomplish since I'm so hard on myself. No matter what, at the end of the day, I've graduated from a nationally recognized business school, made unforgettable memories along the way, and am a wiser person because of it.
Moved our of my parent's house and into an apartment in Charleston with Sarah.
Worked at a job that at least covers rent and the basic necessities of life.
Taken a day trip to Savannah, GA.
Celebrated New Year's Eve at the super fancy Dewberry with classy champagne mini bottles and live music. Seriously hoping The Dewberry does this for the 2019 New Year because it was epic.
Driven up to Lewes, DE with Sarah for Halloween and Christmas. Side note, fall is my favorite time of the year, and I'm seriously wondering why I'm a summer baby? I practically wait around all year for fall if I'm honest.
Worked a super classy dinner over the winter for Garden & Gun.
What I hope to accomplish...
I really want to land a full-time job working as a writer/journalist. So badly. It was my "resolution before the new year" but that hasn't come to fruition yet and still. I'm honestly hoping that by the end of this year, I'm able to check that off my list, as it's my main goal.
Moving into a more centrally located apartment. One thing is for sure: We will definitely be moving apartments as our lease is up at the end of August. Now, the question of where is still up in the air, but our "checklist" includes some place that is in a close proximity to work and places we like to explore.
Donate my time to charities.
Travel more and explore the world. I would love to travel to Europe if that's at all possible. I'm craving Ireland, or Italy, or Greece at the moment..
What IS happening this year...
I'm going to see Taylor Swift on the Reputation Tour and words cannot express how excited I am about it! I'm going to my first ever stadium tour! Honestly, I can't even think about anything else at the moment besides my birthday and going to see Taylor in Philly! I know they'll be more exciting things happening this year at some point, so I'll update you on those as they happen.
How old are you this year? What are your feelings on getting older? Is it something you embrace or something that scares you, or perhaps a mix of both?